I love newborn photos. I love taking them, I never grow tired of admiring them, BABY FEET. Etc.
I think I love newborn sessions so much because I get it. I have two kids of my own. I FEEL it. The profundity and complexity of those indescribable moments. Your fresh parent exhaustion- totally unmatched. The trauma and beauty you've experienced... its the hardest think you've ever done, yet you wouldn't trade it for the world. You can't wait to feel "normal" again but pleaaase could time just stand still for a bit?!
And so we take photos. And I do my best to make sure the depth of feeling is there. Because your children are perfect and you are strong and capable. Because you deserve it.
And no one deserves it more than Chelsea and Daniel ❤️ I'll spare you most of my nostalgia, but these two rockstar parents are some of my oldest and dearest friends. We've been through just about everything together (Chelsea and I were college roommates, for heaven's sake 🤪) and I can't control the level of pride and joy that I feel getting to do life with them. Enjoy this set of photos that will Always bring happy tears to my eyes.
Big hugs- Paige